Welcome to my blog! I discuss various tips and tricks for online trainers, producers and designers. Have a question or topic you would like to learn more about? Contact me and your request could be a future post.

How to Get Virtual Participants to Appear on Camera
Virtual Training Heroes – Webcam Tip Have you ever struggled getting participants to want to turn on their webcams? Try this: Here is a quick

How to Spark Virtual Conversations
🦸🏼♀️✨Virtual Training Heroes – Spark Conversations Tip✨🦸🏽♀️ Sometimes getting participants to unmute and participate in conversations can be a challenge. Try using a Quote Connect

Virtual Training Superpowers: A Facilitator’s Discussion Guide
Virtual Training Heroes present online sessions every day, ready to do battle with distractions and remote working culture. And now that your superpower has been
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Webinars Don’t Have to be Lectures!
I love webinars!Actually, I love presenting them more than attending them. In a post for the Association for Talent Development (ATD) I explain what I mean when

Making Learning Connections & the Use of Intentional Silence in Virtual Training
Kassy’s 3-Step, “Never Fail” Debrief Process The use of learning activities for interactive and engaging delivery in the virtual classroom is highly effective and it

Engaging Virtual Participants – You Can Do It!
Engage virtual participants-you can do it! If you are a virtual presenter, facilitator, or trainer and you want better engagement and interaction from your participants

Virtual Training Hero Tip #20
Begin with ACTIVE Participation Let’s lose the music hold, hidden attendee lists, and mute upon entry for our live virtual training sessions. We wouldn’t do

Virtual Training Hero Tip #19
Producers: Choose the Best Type to Support Your Event Did you know there are different types of producers who can help you deliver incredible virtual

Virtual Training Hero Tip #18
Breakouts: Use this Breakout Checklist for Success Visit the rooms to confirm participants have connected Load or help them share the files or their screens

Virtual Training Hero Tip #17
Use Polling as a Quiz to Break up a Lecture or a Demo This quick virtual training hero tip was originally posted on LinkedIn in
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