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Welcome to the Applied Virtual Facilitation Program

What Are your next steps?

I’m glad you asked! You’re only a few minutes away from starting the Applied Virtual Facilitator Program. Woot!

Choose your preferred date/time and select a book for the workshop, FACILITATE AND DESIGN IRRESISTIBLE VIRTUAL TRAINING!

*Use the code AVF1 to make sure you are not charged for the workshop!

Once you have attended the workshop, complete your Virtual Facilitator Self-Assessment (Parts 1 and 2) provided to you via email. It’s completely confidential.

Book your 1:1 time, 3 separate 1-hour sessions, with your coach, Kassy LaBorie!

Take a deep breath, know that you’re amazing, and we’ve got your back.

Never feel sorry for offering zoom-only sessions again!

Virtual training can be hard. I teach people to train and present effective and engaging live-virtual training and webinars. 

I provide training frameworks for global and national learning and development teams from all different types of industries.

A high score on your “smile sheet” isn’t enough. Get measurable results instead!

We can’t wait to craft specific goals to help you advance your virtual facilitation skills.

I’m looking forward to connecting with you soon!