BreakOUTS You Won't Want to BreakUP With!

Public 75-Minute Workshop

Why is it that some participants choose to leave a virtual training session as soon as the breakout activities are announced? After all, you have worked so hard to develop, design, produce, and facilitate them! And, after many years of avoiding breakout session activities in virtual training, we have reached a point where are finally ready to do the work it takes to design and deliver them effectively. So, it’s a big disappointment when participants leave or choose to check out and frankly, it’s a tad confusing!

Are we not avoiding lectures by adding small group activities to a learning program? Isn’t this the engagement participants have wanted all along? Something must be missing. Somehow, somewhere, something has gone astray. What has happened and more importantly, what can be done about it? 

Additionally, what are some of the techniques to make breakouts run smoothly? This session reveals creative ways can we provide clear information to participants and give them the time they need to be successful. Let’s discover this together in my latest workshop on breakout sessions!

A book is included with this workshop! Choose between Interact and Engage! or Producing Virtual Training. (Amazon bookshelf vouchers are available to US participants only.)

By the end of the session, you will be able to:

  • June

  • June 24

  • Time

  • Time: 11AM-12:15PM EST

  • COST

  • $120

  • June

  • June 24th

  • Time: 11AM-12:15PM

  • COST


Register Here!

Workshop Registrations - Breakouts You Won't Want to Breakup With

Step 1 of 2

1-Session Workshop
Select Your Book:(Required)

Upon Registering, you Agree to the following Terms


All fees are in US Dollar.

Credit card via Stripe

  • Participant information needed:
    • First name
    • Last name
    • Email address
    • Mailing address, country, city, state/province, zip/postal

Invoice option for teams of 3 or more:

Kassy LaBorie Consulting will invoice in US Dollar upon completion of the services for all consulting fees due under this invoice and shall be payable within thirty(30)days after the recipient’s receipt of such invoice.

Accepted forms of payment include bank transfer, check, ACH Direct Deposit.

  • The following information is needed:
    • Business name
    • Business email address for accounts payable
    • Business address, city, state, zip
    • Name and contact of accounts payable
    • Participants’ information as listed above for all team members as well as their contact person / team leader
  • Participants earn and add a Virtual Training Hero Workshop series badge to their resumes
  • Participants experience skill growth and have materials ready for immediate application
  • Each registrant receives a copy of one of Kassy’s books
What's Included

The workshop includes a book of your choice via an Amazon bookshelf voucher. You need an Amazon account to receive your book, and you have one month to use the voucher before it expires. (Amazon bookshelf vouchers are available to US participants only.)

You also receive the following:

  • Learn directly from Kassy LaBorie
  • A Participant Manual
  • Virtual Platform Checklists
  • Discussion, feedback, and networking time
  • A Virtual Training Hero badge, powered by Credly, is earned which can be shared on your choice of social media platforms, internally and externally
  • A workshop recording is available for one week
  • You receive a handout which has content, resources and a job aid.
  • All online sessions delivered Zoom, although other platforms are discussed. They only need it for this program. They should download the Zoom Meetings Desktop Client and be up to date. Do not use the mobile application or the web browser version for this certification.
  • Participants attend the training from their own computer, their own desk, and their own audio connection.
  • Each online session is recorded and made available only to the candidates who participated in the live sessions for one week following the completion of the program.
Cancellation, No Show & Refund Policy
Cancellations/No Show/ Refund There are no refunds. A recording is provided.
Registration Modifications:
  • Need to modify your registration? Please contact Kassy at [email protected] she’s happy to work with you.
  • Modifications will not include a copy of Kassy’s book.
Event Cancellation Policy

Kassy LaBorie Consulting, LLC. reserves the right to cancel or postpone the training program due to unforeseen circumstances. In this event, Kassy LaBorie Consulting, LLC. will refund the program registration fee but is not responsible for any other expenses that may have been incurred as a result, such as logins to technologies or other equipment a registrant may have chosen to purchase.

I Can't Wait to WATCH YOU SOAR! - Kassy