Virtual Training Hero Tip #12
Picture of Kassy


Virtual Training Hero Tip #12

This quick virtual training hero tip was originally posted on LinkedIn in April, 2020. To get my latest tips, connect with me there!

Create and Encourage Chatversations!

What is that, you ask? Why, it is a conversation using the chat.

Chat can be used for so much more than providing information, assisting with technical support, and sending questions and responses. Encourage participants to use chat to “talk” to the trainer and to one another. Participate in the dialogue yourself, verbally responding as if it was said out loud. Call on people to share more, to elaborate, to connect with each other.

Using the chat feature in this way turns the typed words into a conversation and creates a more comfortable learning environment.

There are 2 keys to successful chat management:

  1. Watch the chat more than reading your own slides. (Please don’t read slides.)
  2. Have a Producer help, but make sure to watch the chat more than your own slides. See key 1.

What new terms have you created for your virtual training?

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