Virtual Training Hero Tip #16
Picture of Kassy


Virtual Training Hero Tip #16

This quick virtual training hero tip was originally posted on LinkedIn in May, 2020. To get my latest tips, connect with me there!

BREAKOUTS: Select a Team Leader to Get Things Started

“Wait, what did she say we were supposed to do?” – Breakout Participant

Some things do not change.

When facilitating a small group breakout activity, I have found it necessary to designate a team leader. I like to remind them that great leaders delegate so if they don’t want the role, then they have the power to appoint someone else!

The team leader gets things going: starts the conversation, reviews the assignment, shares their screen, & then makes the plan for the debrief.

Participants are more engaged when they know what to do to be successful.

Keep engaging your live online participants and let’s talk if you have a team that needs to become Virtual Training Heroes!

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