Virtual Training Hero Tip #19
Picture of Kassy


Virtual Training Hero Tip #19

Producers: Choose the Best Type to Support Your Event

Did you know there are different types of producers who can help you deliver incredible virtual training sessions and webinars?

I just finished the manuscript for my 2nd book with ATD Press (Association for Talent Development) on the topic of “Producing Virtual Training, Meetings, & Webinars,” to be released by the end of this year! The book outlines the following 3 types of producers, all of which are there to assist with the technology, of course!

Technical Producers
Producers whose primary focus is the technical and logistical success of the event. They are not experts on content, but rather experts on managing the session itself, no matter the presenter.

Facilitative Producers
Producers whose primary focus is the technical and logistical success of the training and may also be skilled to teach segments of the class if needed, but in a secondary role to the trainer.

Start Time Producers
People who assist online meetings, webinars, and virtual training sessions only in the beginning to help everyone connect and get the session off to a good start. They do not stay for the entire session but do often remain available to be called back in if assistance is needed.

Which type do you use?

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