Virtual Training Hero Tip #5
Picture of Kassy


Virtual Training Hero Tip #5

This quick virtual training hero tip was originally posted on LinkedIn in April, 2020. To get my latest tips, connect with me there!

Prepare Participants to Learn Online!

Let’s face it, connecting to the virtual classroom training is the hardest part. It’s where we spend the most time with technical support issues and overall confusion.

Participants not only do not know how to properly join a session, but they also do not know how to participate once they are there!

Set them up for success in these 3 ways:

  • Help them prepare their environment so they can focus and learn while live online.
  • Teach them the most effective techniques for connecting to and managing their audio.
  • Ensure they know exactly how best to communicate using the features of your virtual training platform.

That’s when the real fun of learning can begin!

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